IBBR Updates
August 2015 Update

Welcome to IBBR's Celebration of Freedom. Each year when we release bears back to the wild, we celebrate their freedom and returning home to take charge of their own lives. The releases of the bears this year were all successful and very important for several reasons - Cinder, the poster bear for rehab, won the public's heart, & was a celebrated media bear. For obvious reasons, her release needed to go perfectly for all concerned including WA DFW, those people who went to such lengths to save her, the public who cared so much, and most of all future bears needing rehab. Then there is Koa, WY's first rehab cub in a few years. Very important this release go smoothly just as it did so those in charge of making rehab decisions are pleased with the whole process. Also, tiny Kaulana from WA who shared the spotlight with both of them and grew from such a tiny cub into an impressive bear in his own right. What ambassadors for their own kind, proving to us humans that we should provide rehab when needed and not zoos for a life of captivity.

We were blessed to take part in the last stage of rehab for Cinder, the badly burned WA bear and take her back to WA for a successful release and her new life of freedom as a healthy bear. Cinder moved out of the release area, but eventually returned.

After Cinder arrived came Kaulana also from WA with some scorched fur & only slight burns that didn't require treatment and healed quickly. Kaulana arrived at 22lbs, very tiny, but he grew amazingly quick into a big bear who could handle himself even with Koa. He was released with Cinder and remained in the release area.

WY is once again wanting to rehab orphaned cubs & we were blessed to receive Koa. Koa is without doubt the happiest, most fun-loving bear in the over 200 bears IBBR has handled. Never has a bear expressed such joy at life each day and it was contagious to all of us working with him, probably even Cinder. Even the worst days had smiles thanks to his antics. That didn't make him a wimp though. He was in charge, in command and every bit a bear. He was successfully released in a beautiful area (swimming options included). From his attitude and behavior upon walking off into the woods, I could see that same joy of life in him and bet he was thinking "now this is really what life is about and I'm home again."
This year's releases were especially happy, exciting, and gratifying for all of us concerned. However, the work immediately goes on for IBBR and there is plenty of work for us to do after we release bears. New cubs haven't arrived yet, but the first call has come in advising us about an orphaned cub. We are waiting for word that the cub has been found & will be placed in rehab. Since calls to take orphaned or injured bears can come at any time and in any number, IBBR must first devote our funds to meet the demands of the day to day rehab program, its primary function of helping orphaned/injured bears and all that entails, which is far more than just food.
Thanks to you, our supporters, we met some of the many challenges during the first part of 2015. We know that bear rehab is our supporters' primary concern too. That encompasses many things for the day to day care of the bears and while we may not be feeding bears, there are supportive expenses that enable us to say yes to bears:
- maintenance of the enclosures & repairs after the bears leave & before new cubs arrive
- IBBR transport truck - maintenance & repairs After 9 years our truck needs new tires for the safety of the transportation team & bears
- Power bills for our 9 freezers, refrigerators, and cooler that store fruit, meat, & fish for the bears all year
- Compensation for our part-time bear caretaker (our only paid employee) who is available 24/7 as needed by the bears. She lives onsite and works an average of 2-6 hours a day depending on the needs of the bears, the frequency of feeding, cleaning the enclosures & dens, environmental enrichment, replacing hay bedding, daily repairs for destructive fun & games, swim tub cleaning and repairs and transporting the bears to IBBR and back to the release site. When there are no bears it is her job to do the repairs in the enclosures, rebuild/repair dens, make sure all 6 enclosures are secure and ready for new bears and all necessary equipment is in working order.
- Property maintenance including septic and well water Either or both can require attention throughout the year and must be kept functioning and in good working order or bears and people alike would have to vacate the property
Yes, this is an update, a thank you, and to ask for your help if you can. Honestly, we have NO idea how much to ask you for as each person will give what they can, but is a gift of $50 something you would be able to consider?
Some of our supporters world-wide have asked about doing a fund-raiser in their area. If you would like to do a fund-raising event like a "walk for the bears", or if you have a special interest e-mail us and we can put our heads together to make it happen and make it easy and fun. You don't have to be in Idaho and we know our supporters are very creative & always anxious to help the bears when they can in whatever ways they can. Bears love water and we have plenty of pictures of bears in water so if there is a water park in your area, maybe they would donate a % of the days proceeds with a promotion of the park and pictures they can post and promote on their Facebook and ours. Koa might even show up for that fund-raiser and demonstrate his amazing belly flops!

Bucks for Bears - Education Programs
IBBR is very proud of Valerie LeBoeuf's efforts for bears everywhere and her work through Bucks For Bears. This year we were able to send Valerie LeBoeuf to the 12th Western Black Bear Workshop in Canada in April where she did a presentation on the importance of placing orphaned cubs in rehab and not in zoos for life to the very people who manage the bear populations. Her presentation was well received and several agencies complimented her on the data and information she brought to their attention - a very important step for bear rehab.

Valerie continues to travel around Idaho to do presentations on Be BearWise, how to live with bears, and avoid human-bear conflicts which are often the "humans" fault & cost the bears' their lives. She has been invited to do presentations to groups in other states. The work Valerie is doing through Bucks for Bears, Be BearWise, Education Outreach, bear workshops and conferences definitely has and will continue to have a positive impact for bear rehab everywhere. She has helped cubs get into rehab programs instead of zoos. Equally important, she has opened doors with state agencies who otherwise wouldn't consider rehab. We know there are still some who need convincing. They will eventually find themselves getting more and more attention for continuing to use zoos as the first option for orphaned cubs.
Valerie will continue her efforts on behalf of bears because it is such a valuable part of IBBR and works hand in hand with our rehab program. We hope in the near future to see Bucks for Bears and Education Outreach programs be as much of the day to day part of the rehab as the rehab itself. In fact, we hope in the future, through grants to work towards that part of our program taking Valerie's full-time attention while still funding the day to day rehab.
Camp Eyabsut & Cinder

Watch for our story on the kids from Camp Eyabsut who are burn survivors and their connection with Cinder coming next month and on Facebook and our website.
Thank you for your continued support. It always "bears" repeating as we appreciate you so much. If you would like to join IBBR's Monthly Donor Program just click on the link.

This is Tecumseh - a gorgeous big bear many years ago. I don't often include pictures of people with the bears, especially me because they are so elegant on their own & deserve all the attention. However, I do love this picture with Tecumseh so thought I would share. Doesn't he look commanding and in charge? Well, he was - took over an hour to get this picture and as soon as we snapped it, he took full charge. I had my arm around him and hoped that would keep his focus, but when he decided to go for the camera, the railing, my arm and I all went down. We were all okay & he didn't get the camera. I really enjoyed and loved this bear Being a part of helping him grow from a tiny cub to this magnificent bear is worth all the sacrifices and work. This is what it's all about.
Sally Maughan
If you would like to unsubscribe, just click on the unsubscribe icon below Mahalo's picture. She promises not to swat at you and we will remove your e-mail from our updates. If you wish to change the e-mail we have to another one or if your e-mail changes, let us know AOL has designated IBBR tax receipts & updates as span and despite multiple discussions on who/what we do, they refuse to process our e-mails. Please be sure your e-mail accepts info@bearrehab.org. Thank you.

Mahalo says "if you no longer
wish to receive IBBR's update":
Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc.
6097 Arney Lane
Garden City, Idaho 83714 USA
E-mail: info@bearrehab.org
IBBR Website
IBBR Facebook
IBBR's AmazonSmile
sign in with your e-mail & Amazon password &
select IBBR as your charity
IBBR's Zazzle Store
April 2015 Update
Bear Merger
It's done! Kaulana, Koa, and Cinder are fully merged and wrestling and chasing each other now. Kaulana has been a bit shy of Cinder, but watching Koa and Cinder play, he just couldn't stay out of it any longer. Plus, Cinder did her part by approaching Kaulana in a sensitive way so as not to intimidate him. What a sweet & wise bear she is in so many ways. Milestone for Kaulana today 4/21 - he has been wanting to get into the swim tub, but just couldn't make himself do it. Today he took the plunge and had a ball. Video will be posted on Facebook in the next few days so check it out. Now we just have to convince Cinder - she wants to get in and sticks one hind leg all the way in, but won't commit to the whole body. Probably won't be long before she gets in or Koa shoves her in while wrestling.

Black Bear Workshop - May 11, 2015 - Canmore, Alberta Canada
You have heard us talking about this for a while. That's because we are so excited to be invited to this Workshop where bear rehabilitation will be discussed in a roundtable and Valerie LeBoeuf will be presenting on behalf of IBBR during the Tuesday session. With the conference in Greece last Oct. and now this one for the Western area of North America, we are reaching so many people that work with bears in many areas of the world. It's one of our priorities and it's becoming a reality! More bears will benefit and more people will be educated about bear rehab than ever before.
As Valerie told you in a recent Constant Contact e-mail, we are about halfway there for the funds needed. It "Bears" saying a big THANK YOU to all who donated to support this worthwhile workshop. I have no doubt we will make it there and bears everywhere will benefit from Valerie's presentation. It's so important to share our experience and knowledge with those who manage our bear populations and can make the decisions to rehab rather than use a zoo or leave the bears to "let nature take its course" as some say. Most times, it wasn't nature that put the bears at risk - it was humans. So thank you again for your support, for donating what you can (no amount is too small), and helping us make rehabilitation as the first option for injured and orphaned bears in the minds of those managing our bear populations. Cinder is a prime example of why all bears deserve a second chance at freedom. She suffered a lot, she came through it, & despite the pain and suffering she has such a nice attitude about life as a bear. It started with one caring person who saw her & wanted to help, one compassionate officer who was willing & able to help her, and continued with so many agencies, rehabilitators, veterinarians, and people who came together to give her that second chance - a second chance that all bears should have.
2015 - The Challenges Continue
WHEW! What a start to 2015! There are always unexpected repairs and expenses, but this year we hit the minus jackpot big time. Everything since January has been a major expense and one that had to be done. It started with the well - can't live without water. Done! Then it went to replacing the whole roof on the intern's house (bear caretaker Amy Kidwell) - it was old, but not leaking or having any problems. Yet the insurance company refused to insure the house until a new roof replaced the old so no choice. Done! Then Murphy's Law moved on to the septic system - not glamorous by any means, but without it neither people or bears can remain on the property. Solution - hook up to Garden City Sewer - absolutely if we had the over $12,000 in hook-up and connection fees. We have taken steps that we think will resolve the current issues so Done - for now! No doubt the day will come in the future when we will have to connect or plan to move off the property.
So what next? Who knows, but we know we have bear medicine on our side and a world of supporters who are there for the bears. So whatever comes, we'll find a way to say Done! Our gratitude to all who donated during this spring to help us through the difficult times. We had close to $10,000 in unexpected repairs. We still have to recover some of that for our 2015 budget for taking care of the orphaned and injured bears. We hope you will join us for Idaho Gives on May 7th. IBBR can win additional cash prizes beyond the donations which will help our 2015 budget recover even more. See below.
Idaho Gives - Bearly Spring Rehabilitation and Release - May 7, 2015

IBBR will be participating in Idaho Gives on Thursday May 7, 2015. It's just around the corner so mark your calendars and join us for a day of giving to help bears. Although it is a day to highlight Idaho nonprofits, anyone anywhere can donate from 12:00 AM to 1159 PM MDT on May 7th. Donors may also schedule a donation prior to May 7th. The minimum donation is $10 and can be made via credit or debit card or PayPal. Many of our supporters use PayPal, but for this day only please donate on our Idaho Gives Razoo page. It is important so your donation will count towards the cash prizes IBBR could win from the Idaho Gives sponsors. When you enter your donation, name, address, etc., you will have the option of paying by PayPal or credit/debit card.
During designated hours on May 7th (hours to be announced on a reminder e-mail later), participating nonprofits like IBBR will have a chance to win Golden Tickets valued at $1000. The name of the donor who contributed during that designated hour will be selected randomly and the nonprofit he/she contributed to will receive the cash prize. IBBR will also receive additional cash prizes when specific benchmarks are reached - 500th donation, etc.
On behalf of all those who worked to save Cinder, to help her recover and get her second chance at freedom, I am personally challenging everyone to meet or exceed my $15 donation which I already scheduled on her behalf for the May 7th Bearly Spring Rehabilitation and Release 2015. I know Cinder has so many people watching her progress and rooting for her. Let's make Cinder a poster bear for all bears needing help who may not get it. Let's show the powers that be that the world cares about all bears needing help - speak up and speak out loudly for bears like Cinder.
Spread the word to family, friends, co-workers, everyone you know with a personal note as to why you believe in IBBR and the work we do and why they too should donate on May 7th. Please be a champion for the bears on Idaho Gives May 7th. Thank you on behalf of the whole IBBR team and all bears.
Sally Maughan
January 2015 Update
Murphy Came To Visit IBBR
January update as the bears were pretty quiet. Life for IBBR on the other hand was extremely active. You know how it is with Murphy's Law - if it can go wrong, it will & if it can't go wrong, it still will. Murphy came to visit us in January and stayed the whole month. During his visit we had to shut the well down to repair the holding tank. Then we had to replace the entire roof on the intern's house where Amy lives. Amy wasn't convinced when I told her how much fun it would be to lie in bed and see the stars at night. Probably had something to do with all the rain and ending up in a waterbed watching the stars. It's an old house so probably good we did it now, but the timing wasn't that great. The repairs continued throughout the month until we assume Murphy moved on to spend time in elsewhere.
Western Bear Workshop - May 12-14 - Canmore, Alberta Canada
While we were blessed to have the funds to make all the repairs, now we have to replace some of those funds to feed bears coming out of hibernation and meet our commitment to present at the Western Bear Workshop, which is approaching quickly. All bear conferences are important, but this one is especially important. We do a lot of bear rehab for Washington and Washington requested the workshop include bear rehabilitation and a round table discussion. We want to be there particularly to support Washington in their efforts to rehab orphaned cubs. IBBR will be presenting and involved in the round table. Valerie LeBoeuf did a tremendous job presenting on behalf of IBBR and bear rehabilitation at the conference in Greece. We reached a large international audience. This time we need to reach those who manage bears in the US and Canada. We can't do our job to rehab bears unless we can get orphaned and injured cubs brought in. There are many myths about bear rehab and Valerie has shared some of them with you on Facebook. We need to share those myths with the agencies who determine the fate of orphaned cubs and continue sharing that knowledge and information in the future. It will help change some of the mind sets and myths that send orphaned cubs to zoos and prevent them from being placed in rehab.
It Is Time To Wake Up

If you ask Koa and Kaulana, hibernation is over. This past week the temperature soared to 65 degrees and remains in high 50's and low 60's this week. While Cinder remains quiet, the two boys are on the move. They were out most of one day and Koa visited the swim tub twice during the day. You can view the video now on YouTube and also Facebook later today. They are munching down the dog food, but I have watched Koa on the monitor with a sure sign of mischief in his eye (spring fever), either looking for trouble.. or maybe fruit! Having been in the den, Koa's coat looks pretty good, but poor Kaulana badly needs a new coat. It's just been too warm to have both bears denning together, but try to tell the bears that. They will den where and when and with whom they want and no amount of discussion or reasoning changes that. Kaulana's new spring coat will start coming in and he will be even more handsome than when he arrived.
If You Can Help

Murphy spent over $7000 of our funds during his visit last month. It's one thing to be Description: Description: Description: Donate nowgenerous to visitors, but that was a bit too generous. If you can help, we need to recover some of that funding for the bear workshop in May and to start feeding bears again. We will be lucky if the bears stay in the dens more than another week or so unless the weather turns drastically colder.

Thank you to our supporters who are part of our Monthly Donor Program. It always "bears" saying thank you as we apprecieate you so much. If you would like to join IBBR's Monthly Donor Program just click on the link.
December 2014 Update
Hi everyone,
Koa, Kaulana, and Cinder are doing great. The merge is progressing as we hoped with Cinder ruling the roost at the moment. However, Koa makes the occasional visit up front while Cinder is in her den. Cinder just watches and lets him come and go as he wishes just as she does in the back part of the enclosure. They are slowly approaching each other on their own terms. How far they will merge is up to them. The bears still have food available as Kaulana is too underweight to hibernate. He still needs to put on some pounds. However, Koa and Cinder can and will hibernate when they are ready.
If you still have Christmas shopping to do and use Amazon, please remember to shop through AmazonSmile and choose IBBR as your charity. It won't cost you anything and Amazon will donate to IBBR to help support our bears in rehab.
Native Americans say if you have bear medicine, you have the power of introspection and with the power of introspection you can make all your goals and dreams a reality. IBBR wishes you a very Happy Holiday and lots of bear medicine for 2015.
October 2014 Update
Hi everyone,
IBBR Website updates:
Check out our new home page offering a slider show with options for Facebook, monthly updates, special news, and specific articles.
Updated 2014 Handbook for IBBR & the Bear Data Statistics as of Sept. 2 in the Professionals Corner. Also in the Professionals Corner is IBBR's presentation at the 23rd International Conference on Bear Research & Management in Thessaloniki, Greece October 5-11. Valerie LeBoeuf, who does a wonderful job representing IBBR at these conferences added her review of the conference too. It was a very successful presentation. There were over 200 attendees. Of course those people take back the information to many more people in each of their home countries. The number of people we can reach to encourage bear rehab is unlimited.
Western Black Bear Workshop:
Next conference will be the Western Black Bear Workshop tentatively scheduled for April or May in Canada. IBBR has been asked to do a presentation and participate in a round table discussion. These opportunities to share and & learn from others working with bears is invaluable to all of us concerned with bear welfare, management, and habitat and equally important IBBR can open more doors for bear rehab as an option.
Bear Articles - both available on IBBR Facebook too:
Interesting article on bear baiting in Maine & all the different aspects and concerns.
A really interesting article on bears humor from Animals Asia

Koa updates:
We will have another update about Koa on Facebook and in Bear Journal in another week or so. I think we have a budding Olympic soccer player - more in the next update. If you missed it, there are 3 videos of Koa playing in the swim tub and we'll add more video with the next update.
In another month or so, Koa will have a buddy - see below.
Cinder - the burned bear from Washington:
IBBR is grateful to Cheryl and Tom at Lake Tahoe Wildlife for taking Cinder, the badly burned Washington bear earlier this summer. Washington called IBBR about Cinder. We do a lot of bear rehab for Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife. Of course we were very willing to take the bear for rehab as we have many of their orphaned cubs over the years. However, since it was so badly burned, we felt that it was in the best interest of this bear if Cheryl & Tom at Lake Tahoe Wildlife could take it. Their team had Li'l Smokey a few years ago who was also badly burned and they did an amazing job with rehabbing L'il Smokey. We felt this bear would benefit most from their experience and knowledge of what worked with Li'l Smokey. Thanks to their tremendously specialized care for Cinder, she is recovering nicely. Washington has confirmed that Cinder will come to IBBR for the last part of her rehabilitation. She will hibernate here during this winter with Koa and we will transport her back to Washington for the final leg of her journey home. Koa will also go back to Wyoming around the same time.

Thank you to our supporters who are part of our Monthly Donor Program. It always "bears" saying thank you as we apprecieate you so much. If you would like to join IBBR's Monthly Donor Program just click on the link.
Razoo Giving Tuesday 12/2/14

IBBR will be participating in the second annual Giving Tuesday again this year continuing our Second Chance at Freedom Campaign for 2015. This year we are even more excited because PayPal will provide a 1% match on all donations made through PayPal payment processing. Many of our supporters use PayPal so that is additional funding to help the bears. More information later after we add our 2015 Second Chance at Freedom information page on Razoo. Please note it on your calendar to join us. We will be sending reminders too.
Funding and Contributions
Did you know there are a variety of programs you can easily join that will contribute to IBBR for the bears. Just click on the Funding and Contributions website page above. IBBR will be receiving our first check from Fred Meyer Community Rewards soon. Thank you to everyone who shops at Fred Meyers and selected IBBR as your charity.

We are looking forward to future Amazon Smile contributions from shoppers who select IBBR as their charity (including yours truly who shops AmazonSmile all the time). Please remember to select IBBR as your charity with AmazonSmile and then shop as normal on the AmazonSmile site. This simple choice won't cost you anything and can bring in large amounts of funding to IBBR. Just be sure you purchase on AmazonSmile rather than Amazon - prices the same & any item you purchase will tell you when it qualifies for a donation from AmazonSmile to IBBR. We are very excited to be part of the AmazonSmile family. THANK YOU to all our Amazon shoppers!

If you would like to unsubscribe, just click on the unsubscribe icon below Mahalo's picture. She promises not to swat at you and we will remove your e-mail from our updates. If you wish to change the e-mail we have to another one or if your e-mail changes, let us know. Please be sure your e-mail accepts info@bearrehab.org. Thank you.

Mahalo says "if you no longer
wish to receive IBBR's update":
Sally Maughan
Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc.
6097 Arney Lane
Garden City, Idaho 83714 USA
E-mail: info@bearrehab.org
IBBR Website
IBBR Facebook
IBBR's AmazonSmile
sign in with your e-mail & Amazon password &
select IBBR as your charity
IBBR's Zazzle Store
Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc. (IBBR) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization
Every Bear is a Treasure - Appreciate Them - Protect Them - Save Them
August 2014 Update
Hi everyone,
We missed June & July updates, but mostly we were working on repairs to enclosures,property maintenance, merging our database & combining all our e-mail categoriesinto one file. Speaking of e-mail, if you have ever been spoofed or received tonsof e-mails from a spammer, you understand the chaos that can create. IBBR does notshare e-mails or contact of any kind with anyone unless given permission by thatperson. We send out our monthly update (which may also include donation receipts)and we send Constant Contact for special IBBR projects or needs. Unless werespond to an e-mail you sent IBBR, that is the only time we send e-mails to oursupporters.
Bear Calls
IBBR received several calls and e-mails from the public about bears that might need rehabilitation. We offered advice and contacts for the wildlife agencies and IBBR also contacted the wildlife agencies offering to take the cubs into our rehab program. Sadly, the state agencies were determined to send them to zoos or sanctuaries. We continue our efforts to encourage rehabilitation and release instead of permanent captivity.
Special thanks to the efforts of a determined resident who lost his own home in the fire, a badly burned bear named Cinder was rescued by the Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. IBBR helped facilitate getting the bear into a rehabilitation program (see story below). Please remember that it's always important to send a thank you in some form to any state wildlife agency that chooses to put a bear in rehab rather than a zoo. It can make a big difference for whether the next bear that needs help gets that help. State wildlife agencies need to know the public cares and appreciates when efforts are made to give bears a Second Chance at Freedom. It's a way everyone can help bears that can make a big difference.
Badly burned bear from Washington

IBBR does a lot of bear rehab for Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife. They called us about a badly burned bear they picked up. Of course we were very willing to take the bear for rehab as we have many of their orphaned cubs over the years. However, since it was so badly burned, we felt that it was in the best interest of this bear if Cheryl at Lake Tahoe Wildlife could take it. Their team had Li'l Smokey a few years ago who was also badly burned and they did an amazing job with rehabbing L'il Smokey. This bear could benefit most from their experience and knowledge of what worked with Li'l Smokey. We are thrilled that Cheryl and her team agreed to take the cub. For the full story of Cinder, pictures and updates see our Facebook page.
IBBR has been invited to present at the 23rd Int'l Bear Research & Management Conference in Greece!

IBBR is excited to announce that we have been invited to present at the upcoming conference in Thessaloniki, Greece 10/5/14 and to participate in the 12th Western Black Bear Workshop in Alberta Province, Canada (tentatively scheduled for May 2015). Participation at both gives us an unprecedented opportunity to make a positive impact on those dealing with issues affecting bears on both the global and continental stage. IBBR and the bears need your help to make this happen.

Our efforts to give all bears a Second Chance at Freedom through rehabilitation and release is important. Equally as important is sharing our knowledge and expertise with the agencies and people working with bears to encourage rehab and release as the first option. For details click here.

Thank you to our supporters who are part of our Monthly Donor Program. It always "bears" saying thank you as we appreciate you so much. If you would like to join IBBR's Monthly Donor Program just click on the link.
Wonder why you are getting IBBR updates for the first time?
Recently we replaced our database with a different program and began the update process. We also combined our various categories of e-mails into one central e-mail file. If you are receiving this update it means you signed up for it, donated goods or funding, contacted IBBR about a bear in need, sent an e-mail to info@bearrehab.org, attended one of our education seminars, or contacted IBBR in general. We would like to share information, pictures of the bears' during rehab and release, provide education about bear rehabilitation, and at times ask for help with a bear in need. However, we don't want to burden anyone with e-mails they don't want. Yes, we do ask for donations when needed. If you aren't in a position to donate, please just enjoy the bear pictures, updates, stories, and information on Facebook and our Website (currently in the process of an ongoing update).
If you would like to unsubscribe, just click on the unsubscribe icon below Mahalo's picture. She promises not to swat at you and we will remove your e-mail from our updates. If you wish to change the e-mail we have to another one or if your e-mail changes, let us know. Please be sure your e-mail accepts info@bearrehab.org. Thank you.

Mahalo says "if you no longer
wish to receive IBBR's update":
Sally Maughan
Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc.
6097 Arney Lane
Garden City, Idaho 83714 USA
E-mail: info@bearrehab.org
IBBR Website
IBBR Facebook
IBBR's AmazonSmile
sign in with your e-mail & Amazon password &
select IBBR as your charity
IBBR's Zazzle Store
Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc. (IBBR) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization
Every Bear is a Treasure - Appreciate Them - Protect Them - Save Them